Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Activities

We had a lot of fun completing our Easter cafts. We started off our week by reading the book, "There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick. We then retold the story and glued the "things" the old lady swallowed in the correct sequence on her belly (paper plate).

We then made a chick coming out of its cracked egg. We colored our chicks egg and described the egg in our writing.

We read the book, The Easter Egg, by Jan Brett. We then completed  a poem about Easter eggs and painted some eggs- Our class loved painting the eggs, it got messy, but so much fun!

We made a cute bunny basket to hold our eggs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Classic Fairy Tales & Fractured Fairy Tales

We read the classic fairy tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We also read a few fractured fairy tales as well. One of the stories we read had Goldilocks jumping rope throughout the book (the students loved it). Another book we read had many characters from other fairy tales; Little Red Riding Hood, Little Miss Muffet, and Jack & the Beanstalk to name a few. We also read a book where Goldie Locks had Chicken Pox!

Students completed a Character Map of Goldilocks:

We illustrated a picture of Goldie Locks and her chicken pox. We then wrote a sentence or two to go along with our drawing.

We made a list of what we would like in our bowl of porridge.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reviewing our Letters & Sounds

Although our class learned all of their letters and sounds by the second month of school, they still LOVE to revisit these letter sound cards! I have such a cute bunch of Kindergarteners!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Kindergarten Informational Non-Fiction Report Writing

Our class had a lot of fun learning about Manatees, Sharks, Whales, and Dolphins. We spent a week learning about these mammals/fish. Students then worked cooperatively in groups of four to complete their individual report as well as their group poster that included facts and pictures brought in from home. They did a fabulous job!

Working on our group posters

View updated report templates here: